Sunday, November 3, 2019

Grateful Heart- Day Three

All hard work brings a profit! Today I am most grateful to have a healthy able body! My body is strong and capable of most tasks on our farm. Life is too short to be at war with your body, so today I focused on being thankful that I can walk, lift, climb, carry, jump, kneel, bend, push and pull! We must treasure our status of being able, as it is likely to fade as we grow old.

Lately, Darin has been working many hours at the beet plant which has allowed me to complete more task at home. I have been loading/unloading and stacking wood that Darin's dad has kept us supplied with this fall. It is one of my favorite outside jobs! I am also happy to load and stack my horses hay, to clean out my gardens, to pick up sticks, and to walk our property with my animals. There is much work to do this time of year, and I feel so accomplished when I can cross something off my winter prep list!

I have always been able bodied, but last winter I fell on the frozen ground when we were unloading the tractor and I jarred my back. It was the only time I can remember feeling like I couldn't move, it was alarming! I took it easy for the most part, but then I re-injured it when I went to pull start the snow blower a month later. I remember thinking, is this what it feels like when someone says, "my back went out"? It was terrible and I was angry! Sometimes it takes the loss of privilege before understanding how blessed we are to have it in the first place. This has definitely been the case for me, I am so grateful to have a body that allows me to work hard on our dream farm.

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