Saturday, November 2, 2019

Grateful Heart- Day Two

The Lord has lead me to human service! Serving others enriches the givers soul! Today I am grateful to have the most wonderful job that feeds my passion. I get to wake up every single work day knowing that there are children and families awaiting my arrival. Many days I get to be the light when other's cannot see their way. I get to help, teach, learn, listen, and assist with hope and recovery in mental health.

It isn't always easy for me to love my job but most days I do. I have come to learn that breaks are important for my own mental health. I am able to maintain 10-12 hour days when I have 3 day weekends, and I am grateful that my company allows me to set my own schedule. I also know that when work is difficult, it is okay to let myself cry and be human. When I get in my car, I use my 45 minute drive home to mourn with the parents who have had their children placed, I cry with the children that have been abused, I celebrate with the families that have seen progress, and I pray for the ones that have not. I am grateful that God gives me the strength to work in this field. An added bonus of my position is that I get to teach mental health skills on a daily basis! I teach positive self-talk, gratitude, meditation, grounding, and all sorts of skills that I myself benefit from practicing. I need these skills as much as my clients, and they have helped bring me closer to the person I desire to be! 

I work for the most wonderful non-profit that created a position for my professional growth. I get to be a part of a team with experienced professionals, double my age, who share their wisdom and knowledge with me daily. I get to work with therapists, doctors, social workers, guardians, and community members that raise me to a higher level, all for the greater good of humanity. My heart is so grateful that I get to be a person who makes a living fulfilling my purpose!

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