Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 23 and 24- "Thank God for His Power and Grace!"

 Happy Thanksgiving.  I must speak wonders of His Power and Grace. His power is ever almighty and today at Thanksgiving service the message was so clear. We must be thankful for everything. The good the bad and the ugly... because it is Gods power that directs our life. He is everywhere. It is such a challenge to know that all things in our life our lead by Gods plan for us. Today at service, the Pastor invited members of the church to share stories of Gods Power in giving thanks. One of my favorite stories was about a woman who had a very difficult job. She was getting so negative about her job until one day she decided to praise and give thanks to God in all his glory on her way to work. She shouted to the Lord as scripture has said to do! When she got to work, the situation hadn't changed... but she personally had, through the power of giving thanks to the power of God. She had lost her negativity, her attitude had changed, and with that so did her ability to handle the challenges of life. God is so powerful.

I would like to personally say I am so happy that I found this Thanksgiving challenge on my friend, Jens, blog. I think that by giving thanks to God daily on here, it has definitely strengthened our relationship and I feel closer to Him. I liked a saying I heard today, I am not sure where it was from but it was very meaningful to me: Climb upon the the Lord's lap and rest your head upon his shoulder, and listen to the heartbeats. It just seemed so calming and I am thankful that through my thanksgiving I have taken the time to relax in the comfort of my God.

Gods Grace is getting the pardon that we do not deserve. If you know Jesus as your Savior, you can be thankful that God saved you by His grace. The Bible says, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith . . ." (Ephesians 2:8). You can also depend on God each day for the grace you need to live for Him. Because God shows His grace to you, you should show His grace to others. Have you ever thanked God for His grace in your life? Today, is just the day! I am happy that this country has a day set aside for giving Thanks.

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